Sunday, October 17, 2010


We expect to have epiphanies, because we presume that life follows a causally-determined narrative; It doesn't, so we don't.

Monday, July 5, 2010


The term "ideal" can be used by the same mind as a derison and a laudable endpoint. Perhaps this reflects the human mind's ability simultaneously know its limitations but desire to escape them.

If contradiction does not reside in the heart of men then I don't know what does.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

If religion the opiate of the masses then philosophy is the opiate of the intelligentsia. Today I seek solace from the futility of my endeavors and find it first in Spinoza then other stoics. I plea with my wife, but she is entirely too well-grounded to supply my errant grasps with scaffolded grapples.